Two Rivers Home
Dustin Mcclain
As our president Dustin brings the most amount of experience to Two Rivers Companies. He has been in the multi-family and commercial building industry since the mid 1990’s and has completed in excess of $1 billion in construction projects nationwide. He received his Bachelor’s degree in History from Portland State University in 1996 and has resided in Columbia, South Carolina since and has a beautiful young daughter named Lucy. He enjoys reading, fishing and traveling when time allows.
Susan Younghans
Chief Financial Officer
As our Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Susan brings 15 years of experience from the property management, land development and rental property industries. She is a Certified General Accountant with a degree in Accounting Sciences from the University of Calgary. She resides in Edmonton, Alberta and enjoys cooking, golfing and playing the violin.
Scott Slippy
Account Manager
Scott has been an Account Manager for Two Rivers for almost 8 years. His background is in project management in commercial real estate dating back to the early 1990’s. He is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. He and his wife of 10 years reside in Charleston, South Carolina and they enjoy taking his 2 young children hiking and to the beach. If he gets time to himself he drives his ’57 Mercedes 190sl, gardens or goes shooting.
David Hicks
Account Manager
David is a new addition to Two Rivers and is relatively new to the commercial real estate industry. His extensive background in customer service lead us to add him as an Account Manager where he excels in overseeing day to day operations with our largest account. He and his wife of 22 years and 2 children reside in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. His formal education was at Oregon State University where he majored in Education. He and his family enjoy everything relating to sports – playing and watching and he reads and watches movies in his spare time.
The Two Rivers Team
Dustin Mcclain
Phone: 803.553.8660
Susan Younghans
Phone: 780.265.0813
  Scott Slippy
Phone: 843.764.3199
David Hicks
Phone: 503.332.6480